Ok, so here's the deal:

We've been turning non-programmers into programmers and beginning programmers into better programers for five years now.

For free.

We're excited about our work; nothing makes us happier than sharing this excitement with you. Alumni over the years have said a lot of nice things about us.

But a lot has changed in five years: three venue switches, several new jobs, more client projects, grad school, and increased demand for the skills we're teaching.

To keep providing the level of quality you deserve we've got to start charging. Money keeps it real. Money keeps us serious about teaching. Money keeps you serious about learning.

How much money?

We don't know. We're going to let you decide. Pick a class, sign up, and tell us what it's worth to you. $5? $500? $5000? Your call.

Registration will be open for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, we'll choose a group of top bidders and charge them the lowest amount from the group.

Thank you for teaching this class. It was some of the clearest teaching I've received in the area. the instructors work really well together. Tell me if you are doing any more classes over the next year.

Rails Foundations

Gain solid footing in the world of Rails development; Make something awesome.

20 hours
Tu/Th; Jan 18 - Feb 18; 6:00-8:00PM

Web UI Prototyping

Craft rich, delicious interfaces that'll make your customers drool.

20 hours
Tu/Th; Mar 2 - Apr 1; 6:00-8:00PM